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Open Aid Italia API are an applicative interface that allows any software module to access the data and are realized following REST architecture scheme.

The API access address is

Data are available in HTML and JSON formats.
The following data types are available:

  • Projects, list of international aid initiatives
  • Project, specific details on a single project
  • Activities, the list of activities related to a specific project carried out throughout the years
  • Recipients, the codelist of countries and geographic areas that receive international aid
  • Agencies, the list of Italian institutions and agencies that finance the initiatives
  • Sectors, the codelist of sectors of intervention related to the initiatives
  • Finance_types, types of possibile funding
  • Channels, the codelist of funding channels
  • Aid_types, the codelist of aid types

For example:

  • Complete list of all projects:
  • Detail of a single project:
  • List of sector of intervention:

All data are released with CC BY-SA 3.0 license.

Browsing the API with a browser a detailed documentation in English is available.