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Administrative costs not included elsewhere

Administrative costs of development assistance programmes not already included under other ODA items as an integral part of the costs of delivering or implementing the aid provided. This category covers situation analyses and auditing activities. As regards the salaries component of administrative costs, it relates to in-house agency staff and contractors only; costs associated with donor experts/consultants are excluded here.

Aid during the time

The variation of resources committed and paid for Bilateral and Multi-bilateral development aid


Year Committed Used
2004 0 0
2005 0 0
2006 5.14367230641e+13 4.33289433458e+13
2007 3.145223947e+13 3.476674767e+13
2008 4.010421505e+13 4.537320327e+13
2009 5.028021976e+13 4.16268702e+13
2010 3.389890584e+13 3.284814982e+13
2011 2.296703388e+13 3.827130632e+13
2012 2.686382e+13 2.681959e+13
2013 3.254017543e+13 2.755264457e+13
2014 3.22757e+13 2.990429e+13
2015 3.306168888e+13 3.254257078e+13
2016 1.506940494e+13 1.859956197e+13

Aid in numbers

Bilateral and Multi-bilateral


Italian development projects

€ 0

Total funding committed

€ 0

Total funding used