The DAC defines ODA as “those flows to countries and territories on the DAC List of ODA Recipients and to multilateral institutions which are:
i. provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies; and
ii. each transaction of which:
a) is administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective; and
b) is concessional in character and conveys a grant element of at least 25 per cent (calculated at a rate of discount of 10 per cent).” The ODA (Official Development Assistance) is defined by OCSE – DAC here. read more close
Aid during the time
The variation of resources committed and paid for development aid.
Year | Committed | Used |
2004 | 2.39899550227e+15 | 2.05210632239e+15 |
2005 | 4.55503104175e+15 | 4.17832892929e+15 |
2006 | 3.30245030616e+15 | 3.1764627823e+15 |
2007 | 3.10454746098e+15 | 3.09394381854e+15 |
2008 | 3.91669613177e+15 | 3.52499711237e+15 |
2009 | 2.77927277515e+15 | 2.49486902606e+15 |
2010 | 2.61080143803e+15 | 2.42591136335e+15 |
2011 | 3.42908602842e+15 | 3.31536215337e+15 |
2012 | 2.4017421e+15 | 2.20237307e+15 |
2013 | 2.97950924122e+15 | 2.66325442494e+15 |
2014 | 3.28603812e+15 | 3.08744660203e+15 |
2015 | 3.95409832982e+15 | 3.65713291575e+15 |
2016 | 4.71580212731e+15 | 4.70470420696e+15 |
Aid in numbers
What is it spent for?
The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close
Action relating to debt | 627,371,026 |
Social Infrastructure & Services | 388,100,991 |
Commodity Aid / General Prog. Ass. | 151,435,127 |
Production Sectors | 142,994,484 |
Multi-Sector / Cross-Cutting | 108,920,668 |
Humanitarian Aid | 86,725,997 |
Economic Infrastructure & Services | 44,088,256 |
Administrative costs (non-sector allocable) | 40,104,215 |
Unallocated / Unspecified | 22,178,916 |
Refugees in donor countries (non-sector allocable) | 2,106,452 |
By means of?
The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund). It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close
Debt relief | 627,371,026 |
Project-type interventions | 334,841,984 |
Administrative costs not included elsewhere | 40,104,215 |
Budget support | 37,886,715 |
Other in-donor expenditures | 11,154,828 |
Scholarships and student costs in donor countries | 8,439,554 |
Core contributions and pooled programmes and funds | 1,340,959 |
Who funds?
The extending agency is the government entity (central, state or local government agency or department) financing the activity from its own budget. It is the budget holder, controlling the activity on its own account. Agencies administering activities on behalf of other government entities should not be reported as extending agencies but as channels of delivery. read more close
Export Credit Agency | 615,493,248 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (DGCS until 2015) | 584,266,528 |
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti | 254,927,727 |
Central administration | 85,465,181 |
Local administration | 39,373,449 |
Agenzia Erogazioni Per l'Agricoltura | 34,500,000 |
Committed funds
World Bank Group | 385,400,000 |
World Trade Organization | 61,800,000 |
Regional development banks | 243,560,000 |
UN agencies | 150,820,000 |
EU institutions | 1,389,560,000 |
Other agencies | 71,530,000 |
Used funds
World Bank Group | 385,400,000 |
World Trade Organization | 61,800,000 |
Regional development banks | 243,560,000 |
UN agencies | 145,640,000 |
EU institutions | 1,187,750,000 |
Other agencies | 71,260,000 |
Multilateral Official Development Assistance
These funds are classified as multilateral ODA (all other categories fall under bilateral ODA). The recipient multilateral institution pools contributions so that they lose their identity and become an integral part of its financial assets.
Committed funds
Bilateral and Multi-bilateral | 1,614,026,132 |
Multilateral | 2,302,670,000 |
Used funds
Bilateral and Multi-bilateral | 1,429,587,112 |
Multilateral | 2,095,410,000 |
Official Development Assistance (ODA) - total
Official Development Assistance (ODA) is defined as those flows to developing countries and multilateral institutions provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies, each transaction of which meets the following tests: i) it is administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective; and ii) it is concessional in character and conveys a grant element of at least 25 per cent.